39 North Downtown
Welcome to 39 North Downtown
Our Vision:
39 North Downtown, a not-for-profit organization, will intentionally and passionately work with the community, elected officials, and business in the City of Sparks to see the City of Sparks be among one of the best places to work, live and play. 39 North is a not-for-profit 501(c) (3) organization EIN: 47-2397251
Our Mission:
To connect community and businesses through common ground, there by strengthening the foundation for future that will result in a vibrant community for many years to come.
Our City:
We are partnering with the City of Sparks, community leaders, residents and local businesses to enhance the vitality of the community by combining the energy of existing businesses and new businesses. Sparks, it’s happening here! It’s the place people want to be. It’s where Sparks Connects.
Our Goal:
Sparks is a wonderful community that has built great family-friendly special events. We desire to be a catalyst for change, a change that extends beyond business. Our goal is to connect local businesses, Artists, and outside investors to make our vision a reality.
Our Community Teams:
We have created community teams with passionate business owners and residents who want to make a difference.
- Community Relations
- Community Connection
- Public Art
- Special Events Committee
The primary purpose of this website and the 39 North Downtown organization is to share our knowledge about Sparks NV Downtown Business and to promote increased growth for the area to bring it back to one of vitality and prosperity.
We are always looking for volunteers to help with events. Contact Angela@39northdowtown.com or call 775-690-2581.
Check out our Facebook Event Page Here for more up to date information about the event.
39 North Pole Village 2024*

Sparks Business Highlight:
My Secret Sparks
Discover the Perfect Day — in Sparks. When there’s so much good stuff to do, sometimes it helps to have a plan of attack, so we’re collecting and sharing unique itineraries for enjoying Sparks.
Did you know Sparks is home to two pirate ships and Northern Nevada’s only artisanal pickle factory? That you can choose from 30 different milkshake favors at a classic Sparks drive-in or buy a wedding gown in a historic Sparks bank?
Sparks is full of intriguing and unexpected secrets — businesses with fascinating histories, restaurants serving mind-blowing delicacies, amazing public art, and odd bits of trivia. Secret Sparks will introduce you to many of them.
Think of Secret Sparks as an insider’s travel guide for the Rail City.
We’ve collected interesting stories behind some Sparks favorites.
We’ve curated fun itineraries from a few hours to a full day.
And we’ve partnered with Sparks businesses to bring you exclusive deals on great places to go, things to try and experiences to share. All close by in Sparks.
This program developed in partnership with Yelp.
Check them out here at mysecretsparks.com
A huge thanks to our Volunteers and Sponsors. We truly could not do it without you all!
Are you interested in donating to help support our non-profit. Or were you short on cash to donate when riding Engine 39. Well here is your chance. We set up a Venmo to make it easy.
Please remember rides are always free but donations are greatly accepted. You can also donate in person whenever you see the train at any event. As well as by dropping off at LoKa Tile Group. 972 East Greg St.
#SparksProud #IgniteSparks #BuyLocalSparks #SparkseNVy #ItsHappeningHere #Engine39 #39north

39 North is a not-for-profit 501(c) (3) organization EIN: 47-2397251